This year is crucial in the fight to ban frankenchickens

We're on the verge of massive change. Over 100 UK companies have agreed to ban frankenchickens by 2026. It’s now up to you to ensure they keep their promises. Join the campaign to ban the most cruel farming practice in Britain!

The fight to ban frankenchickens is years in the making. Take the lead in this fight and lead it to a victorious conclusion!

By volunteering to support a ban:

Declare your promise to fight for chickens!

2025 – Time to act!✊

Standing at this crucial moment, with 130 companies promising to ban frankenchickens by 2026, I decide to take control of the fate of these innocent animals.

On behalf of the millions of chickens suffering on farms, I will not allow my voice to be ignored by corporate executives making false promises. I will do all I can to hold these companies to account.

I promise to fight for animals by:

  • spreading knowledge about the suffering of chickens on social media
  • communicating with representatives of powerful companies
  • taking part in protests and demonstrations
  • stepping into action when chickens need my help

I am signing up to fight for an end to the sale of fast-growing frankenchickens. I declare that I will actively participate in the coming months to ensure that this fight for animals ends in success!

I promise to fight!

Recruit more people to fight

Share the declaration to build a strong army to defend animals!